Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back to school

Mia's been away from school for 2.5 weeks (0.5 weeks due to her being sick, followed 2 weeks due to school holidays).

I was so afraid that they'd be a big drama when I drop her off at school - her crying and clinging on to me as the teacher/s takes her away. And once again, Mia threw me a surprise. Not only that she did NOT cry when we got to school, she happily jumped to a teacher (who isn't even her nursery teacher). I didn't even have to take her to her classroom.And today, she was happy to be able to take along her Elmo DVD (present from our dear friend Teresa) to school. Well, in the car anyway. The moment we arrived in school I took it away from her and left it in the car while I took her to her class. Needless to say, Mia wasn't very happy from then on! A mum's got to do what a mum's got to do.

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