Monday, October 3, 2011

Cakap Sabahan bah!

I was surfing the Internet the other day and was pleasantly surprised to find this site: So maybe you know such site exist. Tau lah, sia ni kadang ada ketinggalan zaman sikit! But for the benefit of those who don't or who wish to know "apa bah diurang cakap ni?!" ... then go and try out the site.

There are lots of words which I used to use a lot way back when and they do bring a lot of humorous memories.

For example:


Teruk atau parah.

Sandi bah c kitut, hilang bibir dia gara-gara eksiden mabuk.


And something more current:


Terma ini digunakan oleh kebanyakan pengguna laman sosial seperti facebook,myspace,twitter dan lain-lain.Biasanya untuk nama individu pengguna laman sosial tersebut.

Om:yo!apa nama mu di FB aku mau add ini..
Yo:yaii..!!ko taip saja

I had a good laugh on this too.

Bah, cuba la kamu cari, santut/sansut!


Anne B. said...

hahah funny!sandi mmg sabahan la hehee

oh c mia born on nov pla...wah tia lama lg tu kn,party c dania pla suda limpas im free sdh dri mau fikir byk hehee....oh mia blm brapa pandai talk pula,adui jgn mcm sa ni skrg dania mouth bising btl kalah2 tu tv hehee it takes time la bah kan...

AngelineJ said...

Hi Anne,
Sandi betul!!! LOL!

Iyaa, Mia born 23rd Nov. Just like Dania I suppose, bising ja tapi ndak lah boleh difaham apa yg dicakap tu. hehehe. Ya lah. Just let them be kids and us to enjoy moments like this la kan. They will learn in their own time.

Dania's party looks fun. And she certainly must have enjoyed it. She's so lucky to have a mummy who can bake. Saya pula terpaksa cari baker.

CathJ said...

sansut ah...hahahhaha...

ya that sabahan kamus at last on air.. I remember I watch the show how he won the money to make this happen.. tapi sampai sekarang pun sia bulum pi tingu...

try to click 'kumbang'.. ada kah tidak... =selimut.. ;-p

Rose Flower said...

Ah ada juga blogger post about this so funny bikin hibur hati juga di kala boring kamus sabah ni hehehehehe

Anne B. said...

angeline this is my new blog's url...maybe u can change the old one ;)

AngelineJ said...

Hi Cath. LOL! Kumbang. Iya bah kan. lama ndak guna that word.

Rosie :)

Hi Anne... thanks for the update. Yup... I've changed it and I'm still following u :)