Thursday, November 26, 2009

Coming Home

We just couldn't wait to bring our little Amy (well, as I prefer to call her - Mi...ah!) home. My husband is still adjusting to calling her by her real name... He kept on referring to her as "Poppy"!

After checks and visits by both Mia's pediatrician and then my Dr, we were cleared to leave SMC.

I quickly got up and got changed (hello, I'm not going home wearing a sarong!) into my polka dot dress bought in Bangkok in 2006. Oh yes, it fits! Amazing... after popping Mia I don't look pregnant anymore... just a little buncit!

Husband grabbed all our bags, the nurses laughed and said it looks like we're just returning from a holiday. I cradled Mia and off the 3 of us we went to the car.

Mia lying down on the sofa where I spent most of the pregnancy. She still prefers to sleep in her most favorite position (ie to her right side). When she was in my womb, she was usually snuggled facing the right. And she hates the glare from sunlight too... just like her mommy and daddy!

My husband and I shared a private moment together with Mia in our home for an hour before he had to leave to pick up the confinement woman.

I was so glad that we decided to send me and Mia home first before having my husband pick up the confinement lady. Because once she was here, everything was..... aaarrrgh chaotic with all sorts of activities and my confinement thus begins.

My first of many confinement meals to come....

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