Thursday, April 21, 2011

And peace is established

Everyday there's morning madness in our home.

Mia usually wakes up the earliest and find all sorts of ways to entertain herself in our bedroom. Once she's bored she gets restless, and she'll turn into a menace then tries to drag me downstairs.

It'll be milk and breakfast time for Alan and her followed by bath-time. As I try to get Alan back to sleep Mia would be climbing the table, the tv cabinet, the couch, taking things out of the cabinet and drawers, taking her toys out of the basket, taking her DVDs out of their cover, climbing into cabinets and drawers, hiding things under the sofa, etc. And all this time I find myself repeating "NO Mia, not allowed" which doesn't stop her from doing them.

Alan would be crying because of all the chaos, Mia would come to me begging to be carried. Before you know it, it's lunch time for her. Then it's milk time again, followed by Mia make some more mess time.

If I'm lucky, I can get both her and Alan to take their afternoon nap together. If I'm lucky. That is when...

... peace can finally be established in our home.

I can then put things back to their places so that for one moment in a day, I can walk around in the living room without being afraid of stepping on things.


Anne B. said...

oh angeline i can imagine to your story hehee...teda maid ka? ;)

AngelineJ said...

Hi Anne! U & I quite alike kan.
I only managed to get a maid recently. Mampuslah if teda maid now... 2 kids under 2! The maid helps a lot, but there are still SO much work to be done especially with a newborn and a "dangerous" toddler around.