Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sleeping partner/s

Both my kids need a bit of help to sleep at night. It may be gentle taps on their bum, a tight hug or a bit of rocking.

Sometimes, they can just fall asleep on their own very easily.

Then there are times when they prefer to have the company of their "friends".
In the case of Mia, it'll be Piglet, big Pinky Teddy and (very rarely) Big-eyed Pink Froggy.

For Alan, it has to be Teddy Eddy. He likes to have Teddy Eddy near his face, on his cheeks or the teddy's arms covering his eyes.

The other night however they each went to sleep with a new sleeping partner:

An orange for Mia

And a monkey on top of the head for Alan.

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