Thursday, April 22, 2010

Of Birthday Dinner & Prezzies

This is a very late entry. But better late than never huh?!

Warning: Lots of pictures in this post because this time, I decided to allow the pictures do the talking (Well, most of it anyway!).

I had a wonderful dinner with my ladies to celebrate my birthday last week. Because Teresa was away overseas, we only managed to get together on Friday 17th April 2010.

"Thank you Janet for the treat. Thanks ladies for the company and thoughtful presents. Thanks to God for really great friends. We're truly blessed."

The dinner was at Recipe House, Damai. This place is one of our favorite Japanese restaurants in the affordable category. So, here's what we had:

Teriyaki set for me. See that hand... that's my Mia trying to grab a bite!

Salmon sashimi... yum.....

Torikatsu set for Lola Dora

A bit of everything for Teresa

Salmon skin set for Janet

Rosie ordering her Torikatsu set

Kesian my Mia.... she wants to have a taste

Janet and Teresa trying to wipe Mia's neck... the hardest area to clean for now

We were happily talking about everything from JCI to engagement matters when suddenly I felt a little hand patting my back. I turned around and there was a little toddler there who wanted to have a look at Mia!

Here he is, Mia's new friend - 10 month old Angus. When Mia saw Angus, she let out a loud, "Hi!!!!" Angus looks a lot like Mia that he can pass as my son! LOL!

Angus' mum - Helen (I think). She's so sweet.

Before we left, Mia wanted to shake Angus' hand. Look at those fingers!

When we got home, I couldn't wait to open my prezzies:

From Janet & Magdy - Esprit long wallet. I don't know how they know but I've been wanting to change my purse for soooooo long but I couldn't find the perfect one. And they found THE wallet for me. I love the colour too as it matches Mia's diaper bag which is now my handbag like 99.99% of the time.

From Rosie, a kitchen scale. When I opened this gift I was jumping up and down. Images of scones, cupcakes, muffins, cakes and pies flashed through my mind. Finally, I have a kitchen scale and a gorgeous one too. Because of this scale, I will be starting a baking & cooking blog very soon. It is in the making....

From Teresa - goodies for me and Mia from Indonesia. A really special angel winged teddy bear is part of the package. The green thing in the middle - that opens up to be a handbag. I love it, really handy.

Nah.... bonus picture! Mia in her first batik! As you can see, the top part is wet already because of her saliva.


Anonymous said...

Nice prezzie all. Cutenya si Mia pakai batik nya hehehe...

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said... oh kamu. Punya lah cute si Mia pakai tu baju batik hehehe. Terus sama pun mahu oh kasih pakai si Abigail. Nanti saya suruh kaka saya buat untuk dia. Astaga tidak mahu ketingalan bah hahahah.