Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Woman Confined: Day 15

Tonight is the first night that Mia is sleeping in our bedroom as cPG does not stay overnight from here onwards.

When cPG left around 6.45pm, Mia was sound asleep. Then, operating like a Swiss clock at the stroke of 7pm she woke up for her feeding. That and the fact that she pee-d. I was changing her diapers while being watched by my curious niece (cousin's daughter) - Faustina. Faustina suddenly said out loud, "Oh, a girl. I thought the baby's a boy!"

Note to self: Must get some accessories for Mia's head to make her look more like a girl.

The evening went smooth. After the 7pm feeding, she didn't sleep. Then it was her 9pm feeding, after which she went to sleep. Good girl, I thought.11pm. I was a little slow preparing her milk and she wailed as if she wanted the whole neighbourhood to know. After her feed and burping, she went back to sleep.

The rest of the night went without a glitch. She continued to wake up for feeding:
2.00am : 3 oz
3.30am: 2 oz
5.00am: 2.5 oz
7.00am: 2.5 oz

Let's see how she does later....

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