Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm Having TWINS?!

I had a really weird dream last night.

I've been very excited about meeting my obstetrician for my checkup and have another look at Poppy.

I entered the clinic and my Doc asks me to lie down as he takes a scan of my ever expanding belly. Excitedly, I asks him if we can find out if Poppy's a girl or a boy.

My Doc looks at me and say, "Hmmm, I think you'd be more excited with what I'm about to tell you. It looks like you're having twins!"

WHAT?! I look at the screen and yes, there were two figures there. Can't really make them out, but definitely 2 babies. I asked the doctor to print out the scan as I wanted to show to my husband later on. This is what the printout looked like:
I asked the doctor for another print out because I wanted the full figures, not just the eyes. So here's what came out:Haaaaa?! Two monkeys hanging out?!

It was then I heard my husband call out, "Darling, get up. Time to go upstairs." I've fallen asleep on the sofa in our living room. As I walked up the staircase to our bedroom, I kept on thinking where I saw the image before. Oh yeah, it was in one of our corporate training slides. I searched my computer, and sure enough, it was there alright:
Reminder to self: Do not look or observe at funny/weird photos too much.

1 comment:

Uzoeiy @ Zoi said...

adehhh...ingatkan betul2 tau Angeline. Mimpi rupanya..hehe..