She loves hanging out with Alan a lot more these days. She helps to get fresh diapers for me to change him. She even puts away the wet wipes container into the cabinet once I finished using it.
If Alan is crying in his cot, she would rock the cot and try to sooth him.

I do hope that they will continue to take care of each other as they grow. I'm sure there will be fights. But that's all part of growing up isn't it?
And I'm pretty sure that they'll be moments when they'll torment each other - more of Mia bullying the brother for now because let's face it, Alan can't move much yet. Let's hope for more care and love between the two of them than tormenting moments.
OK, bonus picture time:
I bought Alan a sweater today. He'll need this when we go away for our family vacation. It's meant to be for a 1 year old but it fits him well. He's such a big boy. His smile.... a friend told me he smiles like Elvis Presley. LOL!

OK, bonus picture time: