I don't fancy big parties. I used to. But since being "hooked up" I much prefer small parties of close families and friends.
This Chinese New Year, we've attended family gatherings - on both sides. So that's done.
Yesterday, Fred and I hosted a very small gathering of 10 + 1 for Chinese New Year and a secret birthday celebration. Thanks for bringing the food and drinks Janet, Teresa, Rosie, Mervyn & Christine.

My Mia has to be dressed up in her Chinese costume.

Rosie arrives with her puddings - she made them herself ;)

In that cooler - Beer, shandy and ice-cream. This Mr & Mrs Yong ahhhhh, carried their cooler to our place with the goodies. So thoughtful. Thanks Merv & Christine!

Mr & Mrs Yong: Mervyn & Christine with our Mia

My bridesmaids, maid-of-honor, and birthday girl

Mama Mia! What big arms you've got?!

Our busy ladies getting the food ready

Chicken soup by me; prawns, noodles and beancurd by Teresa; acar timun and chicken curry by Janet. I bought duck and roasted pork too (not photographed!)

Pudding by Rosie

Birthday girl still doesn't know this is her birthday celebration. She insists on getting a pink spoon for her pudding.

Maker meet (eat) her pudding

Our babysitter for the night, my niece Krystle @ Yen yen

Happy birthday Lola Dora! Thanks Christine for carrying out the cake and "saving" Teresa
I can't help but noticed your top - "Mrs Pitt" oh..hahahaha...
:) Joyce!
Prasan kan?!
Yuhuuuu Thks for sharing my pudding in ur blog. Only today i managed to open my blog as well blog hop. I forgot my hotmail p/w as well my blog p/w hahahahaha. Tlampau lama tidak buka sampai lupa p/w luckyly still can remember the ID so just asked for reset p/w hahahahaha...
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