JULY 2008

JULY 2009
Last weekend, I went underwear shopping at Parkson, Wawasan Plaza in Kota Kinabalu. Sorry, too much info?!
Anyhow, as I was browsing in the undies dept, examining the various bras they had there, a salesgirl approached me.
Salesgirl: Would you like any help?
Me: Yes, I need to buy new bras.
Salesgirl: What size do you normally wear?
Me: My boobies have grown and are still growing.
Salesgirl gave a bewildered look. After a long pause, she whispered "Errrrm, are you pregnant?"
At the time, I was thinking, "Helloooooo, isn't it so obvious?"
Then, I realised that I was in my high heels, dressed in a short skirt, wearing what has now turned into a figure hugging t-shirt.
Oh my gosh!!!!! People must be thinking I'm just another girl with a case of a huge muffin-top and still trying in vain to look hip and happening. There I was, 20 weeks pregnant and still did not have proper maternity wear!
I suppose I have reached one of the best times in pregnancy. For it is now time to shop. YEAHHHHHH!
FYI, I ended up buying 8 pairs of new bras. Yes, I got carried away. Next, it was time to give Modernmum a visit. For starters, I bought maternity jeans and skirt. Total damage for the day: RM684.
Wow! 8 pairs of new bras moi, brabis juga u shopping, anyway 'modern mum to be' must be always look good kamai dii... its ok to put on high heals as long as u watch yr step and feel comfortable with it... mana lah tau mengidam pakai high heels kan.. hehe
Hahahaha! Yes, Roz, I really got carried away with the bras. No more bra shopping for me for the next 2 years :|
Yup, heels are here to stay. Maybe I'll switch from time to time with flats (especially with meeting the MIL, SIL, FI).
Thanks for visiting... hope to have u visiting again...(Yes, I'm still hopping to your blog)
U should try to browse thru the maternity section in Tong's Wisma Merdeka as though the place look messy at times but sometimes u'll get nice affordable maternity clothes...Happy Mum next to KK Specialist Centre is another nice place to shop though can be a bit pricey ;p Nevertheless, I bot most of my maternity top from the many choices of baby doll tops which you can still get nowadays...thy are not exactly maternity tops but you could wear them as they are roomy in the tummy area hehehe...
Thanks Joyce for the tips... will try them out this weekend :)
ini la ni tau..c kakak mimie yg high maintenance..huahuahua :P
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