Monday, July 13, 2009

Is it a boy or a girl?

I've been plagued with this question ever since I found out I was pregnant. Honestly, nothing is conclusive for now.

During our Detailed Anomaly Scan just last Thursday, we tried to have a peek at in between Poppy's crossed legs. What we saw resembled:
Yes, looks like a coffee bean!

Our radiologist said that its a bit difficult to tell at this point, but it looks more like a girl.

I'm pretty much sure Poppy's going to be a girl (about 60%), but Fred still thinks Poppy's a boy. He said that the coffee bean we saw, that's the Poppy's balls.

If that's the balls, where's the penis I wonder.

Well, we'd have to wait and see. I'm due for my monthly check up with my Doc this Wednesday. Hopefully by then, we'd have a more definite answer to the question: Is it a boy or a girl?

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