Breakfast was provided by our hotel. I settled for English breakfast again (I don't know, but I seem to keep on wanting big breakfasts these days), while Fred had Grilled smoked Kipper.
After breakfast, we started our journey to Bath. I've been looking forward to this town as so many of the movies that I've watched back home was filmed here eg: Pride & Prejudice, The Duchess, and Jane Austen.
Once we arrived in Bath, we went into the Visitors Information Centre to buy some postcards, a fridge magnet with a notepad and a map of Bath so we could explore this little town ourselves.
Every brochure that we took of Bath mentions about Sally Lunn's buns. So we thought we'd give it a try.

I ordered a savoury bun, it was covered in cheese; while Fred ordered a sweet bun. His was basically toasted bun spread with butter and a little dish of strawberry jam to spread. I wouldn't say it was an out of this world experience, but it was nice nonetheless. And hey, expensive. Our two buns and coffee cost around about RM60.

Our next stop is of course the famed Roman Bath - the namesake of this town. Many years ago, the rich used to travel here just to have a dip in the sulphur water which is said to have healing abilities. It was also a temple where sacrifices were made, the future predicted and hopes/wishes were granted.

This picture was taken outside the Roman Bath. What I have in that bag is Fred's new Royal jacket! He finally found a light jacket which he really likes. We literally travelled the world to find this one.

A visit to Bath isn't complete without going into the Jane Austen Centre they say. This centre is not the actual house where she lived but it is very much like her house and is located in the same street.

Recognise the background? It's a popular setting for movies filmed here in Bath. It's called the Royal Circle.

I like the name of this travel gear shop: Itchy Feet!

Another landmark in Bath, also a popular film location: The Abbey.
By 4.00pm we had enough of Bath and drove to Corsham and Chippenham. Here, we shopped, window shopped and most importantly....

... had dinner at Little Chef!

Something neat inside the toilet @ Little Chef. I thought: a fuzzy brush. You don't need to brush your teeth to clean your teeth, nor use a toothpaste. Simply chew these little fuzzy brush and you'll have clean teeth and fresh breath. 1 pound in the vending machine, and I get two fuzzy brush!