Our girl is 9 months today and weighs 9kg. Yeah! or in her own word(s) "aiiiiiiiiiiii".
That's right, she cheers herself by saying "aiiiiiii" every time she accomplishes something eg:
- standing up
- landing on her bum
- walking round the coffee table while holding on to its edges
- finishing her meal
She hasn't grown any teeth yet. We'll have to make do with her toothless grin for now.

She likes to meet people and isn't afraid of to greet, smile, 'chat', and eherm.... showoff her skills.
She babbles a lot. With the exception of 'bah-bye'; and 'papa', I really can't understand anything she's saying but I pretend to be able to, just to encourage her. She doesn't say 'mama', or 'mummy' at all. Just 'papa'.

She doesn't like to sit in her walker for too long and when she's had enough, she'll literally dive out of the walker and start crawling to the nearest edge of a furniture that she can get hold on to support her in her walk.

She loves to smile for the camera and when others are laughing (be it people, the tv or the radio), she'll laugh as well.

She opens drawers. Those set of steps you see there, she's climbed to the top much to my shock. I thank our lucky stars that she didn't fall. It's time that we buy some safety gadgets.

She likes to do what we do, eg read the mail.

And when she sleeps, she has to be surrounded by her 'friends' to watch over her.