I was standing in line at KK's Terminal 2 waiting as patiently as I could for the sales staff to attend to me. Along comes a very kiasu looking gentleman staring at me and the rest of the people in line. Naturally, I stared back at him from top to bottom. Let him feel what it's like to be stared at. Horror came over me as when my eyes reached just under his belt. The idiot seems to have forgotten to zip up his pants! He must have forgotten because I don't think he meant to parade his “thingy” around in public. No doubt it was steaming hot at the airport due to a power cut hence no air conditioning, but that's not a valid excuse to create ventilation in unnecessary places. I immediately looked away.
There I stood contemplating what should be my best move. The question of “To tell or not to tell?” kept dancing between my head and my heart.
Etiquette tells me that I should tell the gentleman of his situation. But he kept on staring at me as if I were his enemy. The kiasu of a gentleman walked right up to the front of the line. An equally kiasu looking lady was there and they spoke a bit. Seems like they're together. I was itching to tell him about his zipper to save him from further embarrassment. But his attitude, tone of voice and look were holding me back. What if I were to tell him and he gets embarrassed. I mean it's easy for us ladies, we'd want to be told. But a guy? He might take it differently. And if I were to tell his wife or girlfriend whoever she may be, she'd be thinking what am I doing looking at her

man's thingy zone?
Before I could ponder the issue any further, the guy whipped out his obviously brand new cellphone, jiggle his branded wristwatch around and stared at me again as if I were a piece of trash. Well, granted I was not dressed to the nines at the time but come on, you don't have to give me that kind of look. Really, if you're so rich why are you traveling on Air Asia? Without wasting another second I decided to shut up and let him find out himself later on. His attitude was telling me that he's so proud of himself and I'd be dammed to let him further up his pride in letting him think others want to check him out.
Now, if he wasn't such a show off, then I wouldn't hesitate telling him of his zipper situation ... politely of course.