Thursday, June 16, 2011

For a living planet

My husband received some spinach seeds from WWF recently. He suggested that I try and plant them. I thought, why not? Let's do the Michelle Obama and start an organic garden. For those who have ever visited our home, you'll know that we don't have much of a garden to plant things. The only patch of green that we have has been turned into a Disney-themed zen garden.

But I'm not giving up. Simple solution:
I planted the spinach seeds in a couple of pots! Let's hope they grow and we'll have some homegrown vegetables to enjoy.

I still have to find a spot for my sunflower seeds :/

I've started yet another garden project. I always wanted one of these but never got round to actually buying and growing one. The other day at Kaison, I saw them being sold for RM4.50 a box and it came with that plastic vase thingy too. Its been 4 days and my little lady is growing quite a bit of hair already!

Something totally unrelated to the garden, but growing as well in our home:
Look at her. Macam boss! Reminds me of the inai-inai di tamu yg menjual! She's 50% Kadazan after all.


Anne B. said...

hahahha punya kiut c mia, yaba mcm tu inan d tamu dia ddk kn angeline ;) but cute inan ;)

ohhh i miss kaison!! i can spend hours in there hehehe and i want also la the growing thing that u bought frm there huhuuuhuu

AngelineJ said...

Thanks Anne.

Iya bah. I keep telling myself enough buying decorative items. But Kaison is my poison. Masuk saja Kaison, jantung trus bagagar mau beli itu ini!

Beli la tu plant thingy. Its so easy to grow and cepat pula tu. They have so many different "faces" to choose from.