Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sick again ;(

Alan was sick (flu, cough, feverish) for quite some time. He was doing OK last week but come weekend, he got sick again.

His nose was blocked making it difficult for him to breathe. Then Sunday nite, he was coughing like an old man trying to cough out thick mucus from his chest. It was pretty scary and at times it seemed like he was struggling to breathe.

Yesterday morning I took him to his paed and got him checked out. The Dr said he has infection in his lungs and has thick mucus stuck in his chest.

So off to the Nebulizer Room we went:
to pump gas into his chest to break the mucus.
I had to take him to the nebulizer again in the evening. Poor boy had to be gassed for 10 minutes each session.

Last nite was better but he still coughed like an old man to get that stubborn mucus out. Not as many times as the previous nite but still, it is scary to watch him cough.

So, I need to bring him to the nebulizer again this morning and I hope that this 3rd session would finally break that mucus and he can get it out of his chest.

Meanwhile, we have to cough out RM25 for each visit to the nebulizer... that's RM2.50 for each minute of the gas! And this is not inclusive of the consultation and other medicines given by the Dr. Yesterday's grand total was RM126.

In all seriousness though, I don't care how much it cost. I really hope he gets well soon. He's lost his appetite and I miss my bubbly chubby baby boy who brings a smile to my face even when he is just sleeping.

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