Sunday, June 19, 2011



I went to my Dr yesterday for OUR appointments:
  1. Hep A vaccination for Mia
  2. 3-month vaccination for Alan
  3. Test results for me
Yes, test results. I've been religiously getting my pap smear done since 2003 - once a year, in December. Each time, the test result comes back "Normal" so nothing to worry about.

Then last year I started my vaccinations for cervical cancer. There are suppose to be 3 doses altogether. No 1 and No 2 went OK. Before I manage to go for my 3rd and final dose, I found out I was pregnant and the dose has to be postponed till April this year.

I had my final dose and also did my pap smear as well. I didn't do my pap smear in December last year because I was pregnant. When this pap smear test result came back, it was found that I have abnormal cells in my cervix. It could have just been caused by bacteria/infection which is normal after childbirth. But to double check, my Dr took another sample for another test.

Well, the test results came back and was given to me yesterday. There's a possibility that I have CIN1. Here's what I understand from my Dr.

Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer by detecting any abnormal cells in the cervix. It can come back normal ie no abnormal cells, OR abnormal cells present in which case it would classified as:
  1. CIN1 (mild)
  2. CIN2 (moderate)
  3. CIN3 (severe) which MAY lead to cervical cancer
60% of the time, CIN1 would regress and disappear by itself so there's no need for treatment. We just need to go for regular review to make sure it doesn't progress to CIN2 or CIN3.

Should the CIN1 progress to CIN2 of CIN3 then there's need for treatment.

But first and foremost, I have to make sure that I really do have CIN1 and not not anything else (eg anything between just a viral infection to CIN3). So the way to find out is to do a colposcopy and biopsy meaning they need to take a piece of tissue from my cervix.

So, I'm scheduled to go for this minor procedure later this month. Am I scared? No. I've gone through liver biopsy before and that was painful because the Dr had to go through my rib cage to get a sample of my liver. This upcoming biopsy shouldn't be as painful. Childbirth was painful. Oh man, you don't know pain till you go through childbirth!

Am I concerned about having CIN1? Of course I am but I'm not too worried about it. After all, it can disappear and even if it doesn't, there are treatments. I'm lucky to have found out earlier and do what's necessary.

I read somewhere that Cervical cancer is second to breast cancer in causing cancer deaths in women worldwide and is the 2nd most common cancer in Malaysian women. So, if you're aged between 18 - 65 years, you'd better have your pap smear done each year.

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