There are just so many things I've been aching to blog about but unfortunately I'm not feeling well. Sore throat, a bit of a fever, sore muscles (or more accurately - fats. Hang on, can we get sore fats?!) and a headache.
The only thing that keeps me out of the bed is the sight of this:
Haaaa, my Mia!
I've been me me'd by
Cinda and I'd love to get started on that first and foremost. Then there's the birthday gathering with my
besties and the sweet prezzies received.
But for now, allow me to take care of me first so then I can think better and take better pictures than this:
In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie 'The Terminator', I'll be back...
Ohhh poor you..Get well soon k.
Take care darl...get more rest
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