As I'm typing this post, it's 11.41pm, on the eve of my birthday. Yay! Honestly, I'm just killing time so to speak here for the stroke of midnight. That's the time for me to send my birthday greeting to a good friend whose birthday also falls on 13th April.
Gosh, in a few minutes time I'll be 36. Unlike my younger days (younger than today!), I now welcome each birthday with open arms and celebrate another milestone in my life ie incrementing the number to my age by 1. What's the fuss with growing older?! After all, we should feel blessed for everyday that we get to live.
I never imagined that I'd be where I am at 36.
- A wife to a wonderful man
- mom to 1 adorable baby girl
- a size 32 as opposed to the size 28 only a year ago
Even though I don't have all that, I am happy where I am and what I'm doing. Being a stay-at-home-mom. It is the best job in the world. It has its challenges but then again, what job doesn't?
Yes. In spite of not being able to achieve what I had planned for myself by my 36th birthday - it'll still be a happy birthday for me!
Tu lah, masa cepat berlalu kan. Kadang tu saya terfikir, e 30 lebih sudah saya. Tapi rasa macam 20 lebih hahaha. Perasan kali. Patutlah semua baju and jeans yang dulu muat sekarang ni tidak muat sudah hahahah. Dulu selalu pakai baju body fit, sekarang huhu tidak boleh sudah hahaha. Tulah bah masa cepat berlalu.
Thanks SJB. ya, macam tu lah tu. makin lebar, amkin pendek lagi thanks to the great power of gravity!
So since time flies so fast we'd better make full use of it. Nasib baik ada blog karang for memories!
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