Sunday, October 24, 2010

For the love of balloons

We went to a wedding reception tonight. Mia got a big red balloon from a little girl there. She loved it so much that she refused to let go of it... at the dinner table, on the dance floor, in the car on our way home, ....

... even as she lay sleeping once we got home. It was a struggle for me to take it away from her, but thankfully, I managed to pull the balloon away from her.

Okay, bonus pic time:
That's our girl!


SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Tu tangan bah, hehehe so cute pegang ballon.

SteffianaJ said...

omg. so cute! eee

Anonymous said...

Adada sampai tidur masih mo pigang tu belon hahaha

AngelineJ said...

Thank you. The next day pun belon dicarinya tu... biarpun tak dapat float in the air sudah, masih dia mau main. LOL!