Sunday, February 7, 2010

In a sticky situation

Hi. My name is Angeline, and I'm a sticker addict.

Inspired by our dear friend Christine, I got creative and started to decorate the nursery with some stickers which I bought from Kaison.

At first, I got a couple of kittens with flowers and butterflies to make a weird corner look nicer.

Then, I got some dinosaurs for the wall outside the nursery's bathroom.

P.S. I was later informed by Christine that the blue stuff are supposed to be clouds. Alamak!!! I could take them off and stick them up higher.... but decided to stay put and leave them as they are. Somehow I like them as puddles of water!

And now, I'm getting restless wondering how to do the rest of the walls. I'm thinking of turning the nursery into a mini zoo. What do you think?

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