But I am thinking of converting: from disposable diapers to Cloth Diapers (CDs).
I practiced a bit of cloth diapering with Mia last year. Then, I gave up because it was just too much work. At the time:
- I did not have domestic help
- my father passed away and much of the days after that was spent between my mum's place and our own home here
- I got pregnant again and with no domestic help, a young demanding baby to take care of and 2 homes to upkeep... ai yai yai yai.... disposable diapers was the way to go
The environment? I'm not an extreme environmentalist, but I do do my part in other ways Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; NO to plastic bags.
Fast forward a year later and we have 2 kids, both not fully potty trained and hence diapers are a necessity. One word to describe this scenario: EXPENSIVE
We spend around RM80 per week on disposable diapers alone . Why so much? We have "Gunsobuu" and "Guntaiii" ("Pee pee a lot" kid and "Poo poo a lot" kid). And it doesn't help that Mia insists on only wearing her pretty diapers at times.
So here I am, flirting with the idea of converting to CDs.
First order of the day is to add on to our CD collection:
Thanks to the Internet, the choices on CDs are just endless to suit to different needs and budget. With so many cute designs out there, decision making is so difficult.
I prefer using bamboo inserts because they're super absorbent and kinder on the baby's tushies. But then again, they are also more expensive.
Will keep y'all posted on how we are with the conversion.
cute woh all the CD's. Si little "H" pun ada juga tapi ada satu saja hehehehe....dulu c little "H" pun kami potty train tapi skijap saja ar sekrg tidak mo sudah dia pupu di potty dia pupu saja di diapers selalu saja 'nalutak' ndak tau buang tebiat kali dia ndak mo di potty lagi
Hi Zie! Thank u. Mia is just like c "H". She used the potty for a while and then... the end. Habis cerita. She prefers to melepaskan businessnya in her diaper. Even if I rush tu tampui to her, it'll be too late. Hopefully her teachers and friends in school will encourage her again. I'm trying to motivate her but somehow she wants to become baby just like Alan.
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